The weather for today in Satu Mare

Daytime temperature is 13.5°C. Today will remain dry. No precipitation is expected.

On the night from today to tuesday 30 April, the temperature will be 4.7°C.

Moderate wind from East-Northeast

The wind is coming today from East-Northeast with a wind speed of 3 Bft or 12 km/h.

UV index of 9

The maximum UV strength is 9. High UV levels (5 to 9) require extra protection. Use a sunscreen with SPF 30+ and reapply every two hours.

Weather details Satu Mare on 29 April 2024

today normal
Maximum temperature: 13.5°C 17.3°C
Wind chill: 13.5°C 17.3°C
Minimum temperature: 4.7°C 4.3°C
Rain: 0.0 mm 2 mm
Wind: ONO 3 Bft Z 3 Bft
UV index: 9 9
SPF opinion: SPF 30+ SPF 30+

Want to know what the normal weather is in April? Then check out the average weather in April for Satu Mare. If you're curious about May, check out the weather in May.

Rain radar

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